Why Does Our Government Despise Children?
Schools in the United States are a popular target for terrorism and senseless mass murder. This is not news. Everybody knows this. So why is our government, which requires children to attend school, not doing anything to protect them? School children are left defenseless to deranged murderers who want to go out with a bang before being checked in to hell. Why doesn’t the government protect the children? It knows how to protect people.
The government protects the President everywhere he goes. The government protects Congress when it is in session. The government protects people attending the Super Bowl and the Olympics. The government protects people in airports and on airplanes. The government protects people in courthouses in every county in our country. So, why won’t it protect school children?
No, gun control is not the answer. There are about 300 million guns owned by civilians in the United States. There is at least one gun in more than a third of American households, and 25% of American adults own at least one gun. Annually, there are about 16 thousand deaths from guns in the United States. A simple analysis of the numbers makes it clear that the vast majority of gun owners in the United States never do any harm with their guns. The murderers are an extremely tiny portion of the population of gun owners.
Still, when something horrible like a school shooting occurs, eager voices start clamoring for gun control. But taking away Americans’ guns is a really bad idea. If the government makes guns illegal, only the government and criminal gangs will have guns. And anybody who thinks that is a good idea has not thought very deeply about the dangers of criminal gangs or of government gone bad. Our founders wisely gave us the Second Amendment to protect us from both criminal gangs and government gone bad. And anyone who thinks that our government cannot go bad need only study the history of the 20th century to rid himself or herself of that fallacious assumption. Before Hitler (who was democratically elected) enslaved, imprisoned and murdered millions of Jews in the holocaust during World War II, he first took away their guns. It’s a simple pattern repeated numerous times in history. Gun control is a really, really bad idea.
So, instead of talking on TV and the Internet about silly gun control policies that wouldn’t work even if implemented, why doesn’t the government actually do something to protect the school children? There are several things it could do that would actually work, including: (i) installing sufficient competent armed guards at schools; (ii) securing schools with only one entry point, and installing metal detectors and security guards at that entrance point; (iii) having plain-clothes officers carrying concealed guns on site; and (iv) arming a few, undisclosed teachers. A combination of these measures would reduce school shootings to zero, as the case should be. This is really, really simple. Why isn’t the government doing this?
I have just one more thought to leave with you. Schools weren’t always targets of crazed murderers, you know. When I was in school, nobody had ever heard of school shootings. When I started school, we used to pray at my small, neighborhood elementary school in Alabama. And schools all across our nation used to have Bible reading. Every day. But, in 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court, without any legal precedent or doctrine whatsoever, overturned 340 years of historical precedent by outlawing the Bible from American public schools. The basis of their decision was the mere opinion of a psychologist who testified that, in his opinion, reading the Bible without explanation could possibly cause psychological damage to children. I’m sure he was entitled to his opinion. But that was no basis for a high court decision that overturned 340 years of historical precedent. And, after 55 years of our atheistic school system in America, we find that the lack of Bible reading and prayer is what is actually psychologically damaging to children. If children were still praying and reading the Bible, they wouldn’t grow up to become mass murderers.