Lauren — you’ve put your finger on a problem, but you’ve incorrectly attributed blame to an alleged source of the problem, with much too broad of a stroke. The problem is not capitalism itself, but rather distorted and grossly unfair markets.
Let me just pause quickly to say that socialism / communism is worse. It will land you, if you go there, in a much worse condition than our broken, corrupt system has. That’s because socialism / communism is even more corrupt. And actually, the corruption in our current system is not from capitalism, but rather socialist / communist aspects of our so-called “capitalism”.
The biggest problem is our banking system — the Federal Reserve System — and our fiat currency (I call it “funny money”). It’s not backed by anything. It’s not honest money. It’s dishonest money. Dishonest bankers (at the Fed) and dishonest government officials (in Washington, D.C.) hold complete monopoly power over the banking system. (This is not capitalism, but rather socialism / communism.)
When the Federal government “bails out” banks, companies, us — anyone — the Federal Reserve Bank creates new money — out of thin air, with the click of a computer button. That new money creation is inflation. It’s adding trillions of new dollars into the market that were not there before. When that happens, the value of each dollar is decreased. The currency is debased — or “debauched” to use an older term. When that happens, the prices of everything you need to live — housing, clothing, food, everything — go up, up, up. And that makes it harder and harder and harder for people to earn enough money to have a decent lifestyle (and retire).
The bankers, via the Federal Reserve Bank, and the federal government, via the dishonest politicians in Washington, D.C., are stealing wealth from us — all of us — through inflation and debasement of the currency.