Jaspadino - why do you hide behind a fake name?
You've introduced a "red herring" - a logical fallacy, otherwise known as a distraction. My article was not primarily about Keller's preaching but rather his politics.
And you, young Jaspadino, are showing symptoms of idolatry (something Keller talks a lot about). You seem to idolize Keller. Why is it so painful to you that I criticize him? After all, I started the article by praising him. It wasn't all criticism.
In the 1950s, perhaps it was appropriate to be coy about politics and play both sides (or "convict" both sides as you put it) - maybe even in the 1990s. But not any more. One side - the Democratic Party - is so obviously, flagrantly, opposed to God and the Bible that to not speak against that is truly to duck away from speaking truth.
For Keller (and any Christian preacher / leader) not to speak out in repudiation of the Democratic Party for promoting the horrible murder of millions of pre-born babies - right up even to birth! - and promoting insane, nonsensical sexual and gender perversion, is every bit as guilt-laden as Christian leaders in Germany not speaking out against the Nazis' murder of Jews and Christian leaders in the antebellum South not speaking out against slavery and the Confederacy. Keller is playing church - not acting like a spokesman for the LORD.