Andrea - you judged me wrongly without knowing me. I am sensitive and sympathetic to other people.
First of all, my comment about being popular in high school was for the sole purpose of showing sympathy to Tim Keller for wanting to be popular. Everybody enjoys being popular and widely praised, and nobody enjoys being ridiculed or dismissed.
Second, paradoxically, it was my Christian faith, and my taking seriously Jesus's command to love others, that caused me to be voted most popular in high school. I was automatically popular with the "cool kids" because I was a star athlete. But I was popular with the "uncool kids" because I was kind and respectful to everyone, whether they were considered "cool" or not. (Maybe you'll accuse me of "tooting my own horn" here - that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm just honestly telling you something about me that will possibly help you to understand me better and put away the wrong judgments you have about me.)
Regarding the SEO - it's Medium's, not mine. -:)